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Pique-nique à la française

Groupe "Hong-Kong"

Warm sun, gentle breeze, vivid blossoms everywhere… Voilà le printemps! A perfect time for a picnic in French style: gingham tablecloths, baguettes, cheese, saucissons, wine… Just relax on the grass in our comfy clothes, enjoy the sunshine and spring breeze, while meeting new friends who love French language, cultures and cuisine as you do! Let’s share our passion for La France.

Dress code: Checkers

Number of Participants: 40 maximum

Fee: Members: $160 Non-members: $190 (registration by 22nd April, 2017)

How to Register: FAA website (

*No registration on-site because of food and beverage arrangement!!

Sunday 30th April 2017
03:30 PM - 06:00 PM
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Sunday 30th April 2017
03:30 PM - 06:00 PM
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