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Campus France
Caraïbe orientale
EduCarib en


EduCarib is now more active than ever with France Alumni Caraïbe.

The web platform EduCarib, a database  for the promotion of campuses and training institutions in the Caribbean, has been successfully growing since its creation in 2019, notably through relevant partnerships.

It seemed only natural for us to contribute to France Alumni Caraïbe, the regional branch of the largest online international alumni network in France.

Our goal: to offer a range of relevant and inspiring activities.


Several missions will be fulfilled as part of this partnership:


  • the hosting of online and face-to-face networking activities
  • the production of promotional content for foreign Caribbean students who have studied in the Caribbean and to promote academic programmes  in the French territories of the region
  • the development of the catalog of foreign alumni having studied in the Caribbean
  • the animation of the platform and face-to-face activities, in partnership with the Alliances Françaises based in the Caribbean.


If you have any ideas or suggestions to improve  the network, we will be happy to discuss them with you. Please contact us!


As a reminder, EduCarib is rooted in its key ambition: to be an essential source of information and guidance in the field of education and training in the Caribbean. We have already established the following:


  • a coaching and academic reinforcement program to prepare future students to enter the best schools and universities through the Prépa Junior;
  • a catalog of higher education institutions based in the region;
  • Multiform content to inform and inspire;
  • Networking to reinforce the synergy dynamics between the different actors involved.


We are working on additional features to promote exchanges, boost the alumni network and thus increase our presence  throughout the region, as well as internationally.

Dear alumni, you are all welcome.


Join us !