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Cinema: Barbapapa journey to school

Groupe "Ethiopia"


 Since it was time for the kids to start class, the Barbapapa cleaned the path to the school as soon as the marvelous holiday ended. With the school of music opening, Babalala will attract the attention of the students. On the other side, the Professor Panda will raise awareness about the protection and preservation of animals to the students. During the break, the students will keep themselves busy with sport activities and gardening. It is easy and fun to learn at the School of Barbapapa

Saturday 9th September 2017
10:00 AM
Alliance Ethio-Française
Alliance Ethio-Française
Addis Abeba
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Alliance Ethio-Française

Alliance Ethio-Française
Addis Abeba


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Saturday 9th September 2017
10:00 AM
Alliance Ethio-Française
Alliance Ethio-Française
Addis Abeba
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