This forum will critically consider the major features of Malaysia's economy. Dr Lafaye's recent book offers an original French Regulation School perspective for understanding its development and nature. The panelists will debate the role of the state, institutions and large corporations, including government-linked companies. Particular attention will also be given to evolving relations with China and the rest of the world, especially with the Trump presidency and Brexit. The changing nature of society, including ethnic and cultural relations as well as economic inequalities will also be considered in anticipation of the forthcoming 14th Malaysian general elections.


A public debate jointly organised by SIRD Gerakbudaya and the Institut Pondok Perancis, Kuala Lumpur.

Dr Elsa Lafaye de Micheaux is the French author of The Development of Malaysian Capitalism: From British Rule to the Present Day, SIRD, 2017.

Professor ET Gomez is author and editor of numerous books on Malaysia's political economy, including MoF, Inc., Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Jomo KS was an economics professor and UN Assistant Secretary-General who now mainly writes on the political economy of development.