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French alumni day in Pakistan

27 April 2023 Community
View 84 times

The Embassy of France in Pakistan and Campus France Pakistan welcome the France Alumni community for 3 networking and cocktail event in Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore in May

The first ever France Alumni Day, the world day of international graduates from the French higher education, will be held from 13 to 28 May 2023 in France and the world.
Join us in Pakistan to celebrate the pak-french alumni, andet that chance to meet each other, to discuss with embassy representatives, companies & key people in each city.


Friday 19th May - Karachi (6.30 pm, Alliance Française Karachi) 

Saturday 20th May - Islamabad (5 pm, Alliance Française Islamabad) 

Sunday 28th May - Lahore (6 pm, Café Lili-Déjà created by french alumni Khadija Shafqat, 104 B1 MM Alam Road) 


Please follow this link to confirm your participation :


The events will open with welcome speeches by M. Alexis Chahtahtinky, Consul General of France in Karachi, H.E. Nicolas Galey, Ambassador of France in Islamabad, and M. Habib Anwar, Honorary Consul of France in Lahore. This will be followed by a speech by Campus France Pakistan manager, Fabiha Aziz and/or Higher Education Attaché Sabine Vermillard to present the French Alumni Network in Pakistan. Outstanding Pak-France Alumni will then be invited to share their life/success stories. 

There will then be time for alumni to network with representatives from the French community, corporate and academic sectors over food and drinks.



… and from now on, the France Alumni Day celebration starts on social media !

In order to highlight Pakistan in Global French Alumni Day celebrations, we encourage you to share pictures or videos with/without testimonials of your stay in France, fond memories of France, on the social networks (Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook etc.)  with hashtag #FranceAlumniDay and #AlumniFRPAK ... and don't forget to tag Campus France Pakistan and French Embassy in Pakisan in your posts so we can repost them to a larger audience !


#FranceAlumniDay #AlumniFRPAK





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