Four unusual New Year's eves
Usually, the French celebrate the new year with friends or family and a good dinner... but not always! From the peaks of Tignes to the Guadeloupian sun, here are a few original ideas to start 2016 with style.
Dancing in the snow, 6,800 ft high
Usually, for New Year's eve, the ski station in Tignes sees big. About 20,000 partygoers meet there every year for the FIRE MIX PARTY. It may be -15 °C, snowing or windy, the best DJs in the world jam on the main scene outside. In 2015, it's Frenchman Joachim Garraud's turn to drop the beats. If you need to warm up, you have no choice: even in moonboots, you will have to dance.
Under a gipsy circus tent in Paris
In Romania, starting the New Year with gipsies brings good fortune. If you want luck to be on your side in 2016, the Romanes family invites you in the 16th district in Paris, under the tent of its gipsy circus. A huge party is planned on the theme "Folie Tzigane en zone libre " (Gipsy extravagance in free zone). Fiddles, brass bands and dancers will take you on crazy dances until dawn. A gipsy outfit is recommended and booking is mandatory.
Swimming in Guadeloupe
Since we are talking about New Year rites and superstitions, the "bain démarré" tradition ("started bath") comes from Guadeloupe, and particularly from Grande-Terre. A crowd dressed in white gathers every January 1st on the Bas du Fort beach in Southern Pointe-à-Pitre. In the water, everyone symbolically washes away the troubles of the past year in order to start the coming year as best as possible. This tradition is an excellent excuse to start the New Year under the Caribbean sun... What else could you ask for?
On a journey... to the Middle Ages!
Hear ye, hear ye! Switch from tight tuxedos and cocktail gowns for ample tunics and wool shoes. Disguise as in 1016 and come party at the Pontarmé castle. Bards and minstrels will brighten your night during a gorgeous banquet. You will taste timeless dishes and forgotten potions. And because there is no proper banquet without a ball, you'll step in the New Year dancing.