3rd diplomatic network in the world
The French diplomatic network is ranked 3rd in the world, with 163 embassies in service of bilateral relations and 16 permanent representations in multilateral organizations (European Union, UN, OECD, UNESCO and NATO).
Diplomacy to support companies
The French ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI) and its diplomatic network lead an active support policy to French companies in exterior markets and to foreign companies that wish to invest in France.
Beyond major contracts, diplomatic actions are reinforced for small and medium businesses and industries like the food sector, health and green economy. This choice is illustrated by the implementation of a State support plan to exports in order to ensure a better coupling of French offer with demand in niche markets.
Diplomacy to support innovation
The MAEDI puts its cooperation network in the service of R&D and innovation departments of international companies. For example, the French embassy in the US organises every year with Georgia Tech the Innovation meetings: France-Atlanta 2013 attracted 4,700 participants.
Technological cooperation projects are blooming, as show the COOLPOL program, a French-Chinese R&D partnership, and the French-Mexican investment fund in aeronautics ($250M).
Diplomacy to support peace and sustainable development
French diplomacy is in constant adaptation to international situations and acts for peace and a balanced and sustainable development in a globalized context. It promotes Human rights, is committed to peace and security and acts in favour of an eco-friendly economic development.
Through its 163 Cultural Action and Cooperation Services (SCAC) and 70 agencies from the French Agency for Development (AFD), France is 4th contributor to development in volume (about 10 billion euros per year) and 2nd in percentage of gross national income (GNI).
Last but not least, France is 2nd contributor to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.