Want to get away?
French holidays will start soon and whether you prefer to sunbathe on the beach, sail on a boat or hike in the mountain, TV5 Monde will help you prepare your trip and discover typical French expressions.
Oh sweet France, country of my childhood
In the after war period, Charles Trenet sang "Douce France, cher pays de mon enfance". At the time, paid holidays had just been created and holidays became a reality for a large part of the population. For many, it is an opportunity to explore France. Charles Trenet is now dead, but his song is still an invitation to travel. You have the opportunity too, so don't miss it!
Before packing, go to the workshop "Ça bouge… ".
Choose your destination and prepare you trip in the most beautiful regions of France. Alsace, Languedoc-Roussillon, Brittany, French Riviera… Which one will you choose?
Voyage, voyage…
Singer Desireless rocks more than Trenet, and her hit song from 1980 is another invitation to set sail: "Voyage, voyage…". Today, Europe is the first destination for travellers worldwide. Paul Germain and Isabelle Huysen explain it their show "C’est ça l’Europe ?!" (Is this Europe?!) dedicated to holidays.
Beware, though: sometimes there is a big difference between the promises of the travel agency and the reality. Two journalists give you tips here to leave concerns-free.
"Learn how to read between the lines"
You can add the French expression "Apprendre à lire entre les lignes" to your personal glossary. Reading between the lines means discovering a hidden meaning in a text. Offers, terms of buying and cancellation... we seldom read these unattractive texts. And they may hide a few surprises.
Don't leave your "tête dans les nuages" (head in the clouds) when you do your booking. Start slowly: follow the example of Lucie, a grandmother who wants to buy her ticket on the Internet on her granddaughter Juliette's advice. As we say: "Ne vous laissez pas raconter des salades" (don't let anybody tell you salads), because a tourist can be an easy target.
Find out more expressions with Les expressions imagées d’Archibald (Archibald's evocative expressions). And if you will hear the melodious accent of Southern France, you can even learn the typical expressions from the Midi region.