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Campus France Procedure and Alumni project officer in Delhi
Institut Français d'Inde
Emploi, Delhi (Inde)
Publiée le 01/08/2022, modifiée le 01/08/2022
Pièce jointe
Description de la société

The French Institute / IFI (Institut français India) is a section of the Embassy of France responsible for connecting and implementing Indo-French human exchanges.

IFI performs numerous functions: from promoting academic and scientific exchanges between higher institutes of learning and research to enabling student mobility and promoting the French language. We also foster links between artists, scientists, NGOs, professors, enterprises, film professionals, publishers and more. We support partnerships in research and innovation, capacity-building and interactions with civil society, vocational studies, as well as artistic and cultural partnerships in performance, books, film, fashion, design and more. We support and organise forums and debates that bring together innovators and thinkers from both countries.

Description du poste

The candidate will manage his time between two profiles, according to the priorities and the agenda:
Main task: The candidate will have to verify and compile the files of students, wishing to pursue their
Study in France. The candidate will be the point of contact for the students in this regard. He/She will
also be in charge of the statistical monitoring of all the students going through the above procedure.
Second task: The candidate will be in charge of the animation of the Alumni network. She/he will have
to work on a monthly newsletter, weekly posting on social media and websites and organization of
events for this network.

Profil recherché

Proficiency in IT skills: office tools, computer knowledge, filing and pooling;
Writing skills in both English and French;
Good knowledge of the Indian & French higher education systems;
Know how to identify information that can be communicated to others while respecting professional
Respect internal instructions and procedures

More information in the folded file

Date limite de candidature: 01/10/2022

Institut Français d'Inde  
2, Doctor APJ Abdul Kalam Road, Aurangzeb Road, New Delhi
Code postal
Site Web

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Mon CV
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Lettre de motivation
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Message de présentation
Il est rappelé, conformément à l'article 27 de la loi 78/17 du 6 janvier 1978 et au règlement (UE) 2016/679 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 avril 2016 que :
- les renseignements demandés sont destinés à France Alumni,
- vous êtes libre de ne fournir qu'une partie des renseignements,
- vous avez le droit d'obtenir la copie des informations vous concernant figurant dans le fichier informatique de l'association et de demander la modification ou la suppression de mentions qui s'y trouvent portées.