Isipca is a higher education school owned by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of PARIS – ILE de France, created in 1970 by Jean-Jacques GUERLAIN .
Undergraduate and postgraduate courses : 475 apprentices and students, specific vocational training from the industry.
The only school existing in the world that combines teaching in formulation of perfumes, cosmetics and flavours, together with sensory olfactory classes
Human resources :
- 40 members of staff
- 220 teachers (80 % coming from
the industry)
Infrastructure :
- 3 200 m² of classrooms
- 14 laboratories
- a 1 hectare campus
3 specialities :
Perfumery products
Cosmetics products
Food flavouring products
An international program:
EFCM - European Fragrance and Cosmetic Master
In partnership with the University of Versailles
Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and the University of Padova
A 2 year-international course opened to French
and foreign students
Course entirely delivered in English
A course offering a dual competence :
Technical and Business Management
Two diplomas delivered:
- EFCM Master
- MBM (Master In Business and Management