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Espace Emploi
32 vues
Team Leader
Emploi, (China)
Publiée le 24/06/2022, modifiée le 24/06/2022

Sales and Service
* Lead a sales team, define the sales strategy and achieve the team sales target, enable each team member to achieve their individual sales target
* Ensure a high standard of customer service and experience
* Lead team to build and maintain relationship with clients and develop VIPs, recruit new customers

* Be present in the selling floor as shift leader to oversee daily store operation. Assist team whenever required in the selling process or in any other operation
* Ensure the store operation standard of his/her perimeter: stock management, after service, maintenance, CRM
* Monitor stock situation and ensure the operation standard of own perimeter to support sales & service

* In charge of several métiers/product categories in terms of sales, visual merchandising, inventory control, training, etc.
* Be responsible for market updates and give buying advises to store manager

People development and team management
* Manage and coach the team: set objectives and assess performance, observe team on the floor and provide ongoing feedback and coaching based on their needs
* Motivate team member with individual recognition via sales results, métier management, customer relationship management
* Motivate teams, create a sense of team spirit, discipline and mutual respect, as well as dedication and loyalty to the company, recognize individual and team efforts
* Ensure teams receive proper training regularly to develop customer service, product knowledge, selling skills and other skills for personal development

Date limite de candidature: 24/08/2022

Hermès 爱马仕中国 

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