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20 May 2024 Business
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During the 2nd world Alumni Day, Campus France published in partnership with the Veria Institute (ex Kantar Public), published the results of its survey to 10,000 international students educated in France. The aim was to measure the long-term benefit of this experience on their professional careers and the strength of their relation to France.

A sample of over 10,000 respondents  

Over 10,000 alumni responded to the survey in late 2023. In average, they were aged 33, studied in France over the last 10 years for the most part, and half of them benefited from a scholarship grant. 54% of respondents are men and 46% women. This sample shows geographic diversity, with alumni coming from 154 countries, and more specifically: Sub-Saharan Africa (28%), North Africa - Middle East (21%), Europe (20%), the Americas (18%) and Asia - Oceania (12%).

International students who studied graduate training programmes and attended universities, for the most part


A large majority of respondents came to study in France to pass a degree: 70% in graduate training programmes and 12% in joint graduate training courses. About two respondents out of ten came to France as part of a university exchange, including more than a third via the Erasmus + programme (35% of the 19%).


About seven alumni out of ten studied in France at the university (68%), two out of ten in schools of engineering (20%) and one out of ten in business schools (9%). About seven out of ten were registered at Master level during their study course in France (69%).


Studying in France provides assets for a professional career


A third of alumni continued their educational training after their study course in France: 96% declared their experience was an asset for the continuation of their course. 


87% of alumni found a job in less than a year after their study stay in France (73% in less than 6 months). 88% of them considered that this job matched their expectations in terms of occupation, industry and level of wage. 


91% of respondents declared that their study stay in France has been an asset to obtain a first job.About one alumni out of two found its first job in France (48%), 44% in their country of origin and 8% in another country.

An asset all along the professional career

80% of alumni are currently working in an intellectual or executive occupation: 55% in intellectual and scientific occupations; 25% in manager or managing executive occupation.


90% of respondents who changed their professional situation since their first job declared that their study course in France has been an asset to obtain their current job.


French language at the heart of the study experience in France

The study course in France has increased the level of French language of alumni. Although a small half of respondents declared themselves bilingual before their study stay in France (47%), this share increased to 76% at the end of the stay. About 80% of alumni now use the French language on a daily basis (professional and/or personal life).

Alumni, ambassadors of France 

93% of respondents have a good image of France: the terms used in majority to qualify their experience are “discovery, enriching, freedom, culture”. 


Study stays also largely contributed to the professional attractiveness of France to alumni: about nine out of 10 declared it had a positive impact on their desire to work with the French (88%), and more than eight out of 10 to work with French companies (85%).


96% of alumni are ambassadors of France and recommend the country for a study trip, 97% for the holidays, 85% for working, 82% to live in.

Results of the poll were published during the 2nd world Alumni Day, which was on the subject: “French-speaking talents, global careers”. This operation was launched in 2023 at the initiative of the ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. It is organised by Campus France to put the spotlights on the graduates of French higher education and their achievements over the five continents.


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