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Campus France Nigeria

08 June 2017 Community
View 90 times

Established by the law no 2010-873 of 27th of July 2010, Campus France is the French agency in charge of French higher education promotion abroad. The agency also has the special assignment to coordinate the international mobility of students and researchers, managing the hospitality. The agency is placed under the joint authority of both Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry in charge of higher education.

In Nigeria, Campus France agency opens its doors in 2010. As Nigeria is an English-speaking country landlocked between French-spoken countries, its strategic position deserves a special treatment for French higher education promotion. Nigeria counts not fewer than 180 million inhabitants. The proportion of youth represents a meaningful part of the population (50% of the population have less than 18 years old[1]). From this perspective, the mission of Campus France in Nigeria is particularly important.

Campus France has an executive bureau in Abuja, the Federal Capital of Nigeria. Another representative bureau is open in the biggest city of the country: Lagos. In Nigeria, the Campus France’s first task of Campus France is to give a brief introduction of the French educational system and its distinctiveness. As Nigerians students are more used to the Anglo-Saxon education system, this communication first step is absolutely fundamental. Campus France is also in charge of hospitality of the students and foreign researchers; management of scholarships; internships; and other international mobility programs.

Campus France’s assignment is not strictly circumscribed over the mission of higher education promotion. In Nigeria, the agency is keen to impulses a new educational partnership with Nigerians higher education institutions. Campus France extends his duty in order to find out the prospective sectors of Excellency in the Nigerian higher education.

As Campus France is the operator, it works alongside the French Embassy in Nigeria and the SCAC (Service de Cooperation d’Action Culturelle) to push forward a new educational cooperation perspective as well as with Nigerian universities and the Federal Ministry of Education.

Among the projects led by the French Embassy, there's following are some initiated by the involvement of Campus France:

  • In 2016, the University of Kano, the French Embassy and Campus France have agreed a tripartite partnership convention in order to reinforce the capacity of higher educational institutions of Kano State.
  • Campus France has coordinated the Quai d’Orsay/Total scholarship program. Within this partnership, 3 students have received each a scholarship for a master program in sustainable energy management studies (from Science Po, EDHEC & Polytechnique Paris).
  • In January 2017, the French Embassy, Campus France and Funai University have agreed a tripartite partnership convention in order to enhance the capacity of the University. Five young lecturers have been accepted to a doctoral degree program. In order to extend the partnership field, Campus France has also self-coordinated the bilateral convention with University of Funai. As part of the agreement, it was planned for the training of eight (8) additional teachers in Doctorate levels and 7 in master’s level.
  • In June 2016, the Embassy of France has signed an agreement with the Nigerian institution PDTF (Petroleum Technology Development Fund).Campus France is another major actor this educational partnership. The PTDF is a Nigerian semi-public agency in charge of granting higher education scholarships. The agreement involves co-financing from the Embassy for 13 scholarships, 10 at Master level and 3 for young PhD students.




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