Study in France Virtual Fair
Groupe "Lithuania"
Over 40 French higher education institutions from France will participate in a first of its kind Study in France Virtual Fair to be held for European students (Austria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania and Sweden) and French higher education institutions from 6 to 15 November 2017.
Campus France Agency, in charge of promoting higher education worldwide and managing the reception and international mobility of students, researchers, experts and guests is organizing the event to highlight what France has to offer in terms of quality and diversity of its higher education and why France is an appealing destination for international students. (France is the 4th most attractive country for international students after the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia).
A dedicated website has been set up to provide institutional information on French higher education system as well as on participating higher education institutions. Students will be able to access information on life as a student in France, courses available in various subjects, tuition fees, living arrangements and costs, scholarships, and post-study prospects.
Last but not least, they will have the opportunity to connect ‘live’ with higher education institutions on one single platform through a series of Facebook Lives and Q&A sessions and find the right fit for their higher education needs as well as with Campus France local offices representatives in European countries listed.
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