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What should you do after meeting with a recruiter?

How to handle the days after a job interview

Job interviews can be a make-it or break-it for an applicant. But it's not all about meeting the interviewer: knowing how to act in the period that follows the interview can greatly increase your chances of getting the job. Here are some tips on how to figure out where you stand, and make sure that you make an impression on the recruiter even after your meeting is over.

Self-Evaluation Techniques

When you have just finished a job interview, it’s common to feel anxious and stressed. You think about the critical points in the interview, what your responses where, how they reacted... Take adv

antage of your post-interview nerves by writing down everything you remember. Everything is still fresh in your mind, so make the most of it!

Get out your notepad and take notes: jot down the job specifics that the interviewer gave you, the moments you felt weren’t so great, the tricky questions that were asked, the moments when the person showed interest etc... By having a comprehensive list of what happened in the interview, as well as your strengths and weaknesses, you will not only be able to clearly evaluate how the interview went, but you’ll also be able to use the information to capitalize on your strengths and improve your weaknesses in the future. You’ll be able to assess what you could have emphasized further, whether you were clear enough, whether you seemed confident, and more. This technique will greatly enhance your interviewing skills.


The the day after your interview, show your appreciation for the company’s consideration by sending a follow-up email to the person with whom you met. Many applicants don't go through this step, but recruitment firms consider it to be critical in the selection process. The process is useful in giving the recruiter a good impression of you as well as making yourself stick out in their mind.

However, it is imperative to take good care in writing your follow-up email! After meeting your contact, you may use "Cher Monsieur/Madame" (Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms.), followed by his/her last name. If the interview was more friendly and familiar, you may write “Dear…” followed by their first name, but take care in accurately evaluating the level of familiarity between you and the interviewer. In any case, make sure not to be casual. In the body of the email, thank the interviewer for their time and consideration. To make yourself stand out even further, include a fascinating point of discussion that you remember from your interview, taking care to convey your interest. If you feel that the interview highlighted one of your weaknesses that might make you seem unqualified, acknowledge it briefly; however, put the focus on your ability to overcome your weaknesses and adapt to any environment by giving specific examples in your career. Indicate that you look forward to hearing from them, and sign off the email formally. Don’t forget to specify a subject heading for the email and to make sure you’ve made no spelling or grammatical errors!

Finish your email with an open question, for example, by asking what is the next step in their recruitment process. If the interviewer doesn't reply within ten days, call him/her or send an additional follow-up email. Be concise and polite, asking if they have any updates on your application.

If you respect these rules, you'll show that you understand and respect how the corporate world works. Bon courage !

Show your interest... appropriately

It's time to go on the offensive: the day after your interview, send an email to the person you've met. Many applicants don't go through this step, but recruitment firms consider it's critical in the selection process. The process is useful both to give a good image and remind yourself to the recruiter.

Be careful to write a spotless email, though! After meeting your contact, you may use "Cher Monsieur/Madame" (Dear Sir/Madam) followed with his/her name. Don't be familiar. Don't forget to specify the object and to put the appropriate ending sentences, but above all, make no spelling mistake. If you respect these codes, you'll show that you understand the rules of the corporate world.

Identify responsibilities and assume your weaknesses

As to the content, start by thanking the person you met for the time he/she gave you, and repeat your interest for the job. You may also give your point of view on the interview: that's why your notes will be very useful.

Don't emphasise too much, but do show that you have understood well enough the responsibilities that come with the job: put forward the qualities you will use for this job. Give clear arguments as to why you are interested in this job, but don't deny your weaknesses: on the contrary, show that you want to overtake them. If you obviously lack one of the skills required for the job, put forward your adaptation capacity by giving clear examples in your career.

Finish your email with an open question, for example by asking how the next step of the recruitment process is done. If the recruiter doesn't reply in a 10-day time lapse, call him/her. Proceed the same way than in your email: sum up by writing what you are going to say, then be short, precise and polite.