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IDNeuf, portal of French-speaking research

A digital library in French


IDNeuf is an online higher education portal for students, teachers, researchers and anyone from French-speaking countries. It allows to freely access thousands of education materials in French.


An ambitious programme for the French-speaking world

To boost the exchange of education resources between French-speaking countries: this is the ambition of the digital higher education portal IDNeuf. Launched on the 17th of June 2016 by the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF, for Higher Education Agency for the French-speaking world), the online platform will allow students, teachers, researchers and the general public of any country belonging to the Francophonie (French-speaking world) to be trained, to teach and to improve his/her knowledge on the selected themes.

Over a hundred disciplines covered

Online classes, graphics, glossaries, but also reference lists, education scenarios or research workIDNeuf allows access to about 40,000 education materials from the universities of 17 countries: Cameroon, Canada, Egypt, France, Morocco, Mexico, Senegal, Tunisia and others. The resources cover over a hundred disciplines, from mathematics to political science and theology, literature, palaeontology, computer science, music or urban planning. Free and viewable contents are available in multiple formats: text, video, interactive documents and more.

A developing and participatory portal

The quantity of documents offered on IDNeuf is bound to increase. At any time, a user may participate in the project by notifying the AUF about an education document in French that may be referenced on the platform.

"Tomorrow, hundreds of thousands of resources available will come from everywhere in the Francophonie, said on the 17th of June 2016 Michaëlle Jean, General Secretary of Francophonie, during the presentation of the higher education portal in Bamako (Mali). Researchers in Montreal or Brussels will be able to use the work of PhD students from Yaoundé or Kigali; universities in Chisinau and Tunis will work towards a joint degree issuance, etc. The exchanges are a promise of discoveries of new lands in full reciprocity", she concluded.


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