In order to support recruiters, bots make the first screening. Here are a few tips to help you stay in the race.
Keywords to open the recruiter's door
Today, 95% of major companies and half the SMEs use bots to screen resumes. Knowing how to talk to robots is critical to meet a human recruiter. To draw the attention of algorithms, you need to use keywords on your resumes that match the keywords your recruiter expects.
Check the terms mentioned on the job offer to list the know-hows and soft skills your recruiter is looking for: required professional experience, necessary human skills, software you master, etc. Once your list is complete, use the appropriate keywords on your resume. Of course, they must match you real profile! Remember that a recruiter will make a screening before selecting the applicants he/she wants to meet.
The over-original resume: a common mistake
We are far from the time when you needed to send a highly graphic, beautiful and handwritten resume through postal mail to catch recruiters' attention. Too much colour, too many icons or tables block the bot's judgement: it's unable to decipher your resume. Here there is not enough text, you may also be disqualified.
As a rule of thumb, use simple text formats (.pdf or .doc). Avoid image files (.jpeg or .png), because bots can't read information on it and you may end up disqualified. The title and subtitle of your resume are also important: choose an easy title to decipher for bots and a more precise subtitle where your state your main skills and career goals.
Last but not least, a bot is a child: you need to repeat the same thing several times so it can understand. If you have three experiences at similar occupations (even in a internship), don't be afraid to use it the same keyword three times.
Being different is still an advantage
Behind the bot, there is a human. And he/she doesn't necessarily want to recruit the same profiles. Fortunately, machine learn quickly and are now able to compare the data of the most performing profiles of the company with the profiles in the resumes received. It selects high-potential profiles, betting on the similarities, but also differences, of the career.
Alumni, maybe this is the key to a recruitment in France. With your bilingual and international profile, you may easily stand out from the crowd and pass the bots. Your birthplace, the name of your high school, your double language skills are many assets to promote on your resume, in addition to your career and experiences in France.
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