The ENS de Lyon is a highly selective graduate school dedicated to research, which has inherited a long tradition dating from 1880. With researchers, professors and students from about 60 nationalities, the ENS de Lyon represents world-embracing excellence in higher education and research at the intersection of Exact Sciences, the Humanities, the Arts and the leading edge of Educational Science with the Institut français de l’Education. It fulfills the traditional missions of training, research and the diffusion of knowledge through the implementation of a strategic axis : interdisciplinarity, innovation, internationalization and interaction with society. The ENS de Lyon is a member of the Université de Lyon, a cluster of 11 higher education and research institutions.
The students construct their study itineraries according to their study project. They receive active tutoring and professionalizing training based on internships. The 12 teaching departments work hand in hand with the research laboratories. The ENS de Lyon encourages its students to take initiative through the creation of junior labs.
As an international institution, the ENS de Lyon participates in student exchange networks (Eramus, CREPUQ, ORA…). It has concluded strategic alliance with 5 internationally recognized institutions: the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the University of Tokyo (Todai), the East China Normal University (ECNU), the Université d’Ottawa and the University of Sao Paulo (USP).