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CNAM - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers

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292 rue Saint Martin
Paris - France


Postsecondary schools and institutes


VU Kim
Chargée de mission internationale
Direction du développement européen et international (DDEI)



The Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (Cnam) is a French "grand établissement" (literally a “great institution”) under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. This status distinguishes it from most higher education institutions by its pioneering position in lifelong education and training. Located in Paris and with an integrated network of regional centers, Cnam provides higher education for adult learners and students across France and abroad.

Since its foundation in 1794, Cnam has closely combined academic knowledge and professional skills to provide to learners the necessary skills to further develop their professional career.

Cnam is a one-of-a-kind. Its high-level teaching body results from a harmonious co-construction and collaboration between the academic and business worlds.  

Besides, with a deep understanding of the economic and social needs throughout all areas where it exists, Cnam programs are designed to facilitate access to qualifications and employment.

Cnam's motto is "Docet omnes ubique", which means "It teaches everyone everywhere" in Latin.

Cnam fulfils three main missions:

  • Lifelong education and training,
  • Research
  • Dissemination of technical and scientific culture.


Rich and diverse educational and certification programs are focused on specific professions and taught by industry professionals. These programs cover all areas of activity and company positions, and are defined in close collaboration with companies in order to better meet their needs.