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How maintain your level of French?

francaisHow to maintain your level of French?

All around the world, training institutions can help you maintain your level of French language. Alliance françaises, institutes, universities... take your pick.

The Alliances françaises

Created in 2007, the Fondation Alliance Française is present in every continent and most major cities: there are 800 alliances in 137 countries. They offer French lessons for all levels, specialized classes (theatre, business French, etc.), but also a variety of cultural activities.


French institutes

Since 2010, the French institute promotes international artistic exchanges and the French cultural heritage through its 96 institutions present all over the world. It also offers trainings in French, adapted to your needs and level. The training can be completed with preparations to various official certifications.



The ADCUEFE-Campus-FLE is composed of about 40 French universities that offer programs of French as foreign language (français langue étrangère, FLE) for foreign students and teachers. The degrees and certifications delivered by the universities of the ADCUEFE comply with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). Every year, over 100,000 people come to France to follow French classes.


The CCI French language centre in Paris

Since 1958, the French language centre offers assessment and certification programs and trainings in professional French. It helps those who wish to improve their skills in French or quickly learn professional vocabulary of their industry or sector. It is also designed for French or foreign companies that wish to reinforce their linguistic skills with their collaborators.


The FLE Quality Label

The FLE Quality Label was created in 2007. Its aim is to guarantee the quality of trainings offered by private and public centres and associations in FLE. Today, 94 centres have received this label.
