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Ioana Branga-Peicu testimony
Quelle opportunité d'étudier un Master 1 en France

20 April 2017 Community
View 3313 times

French Embassy scholarship holder 2016/2017

Ioana Branga-Peicu is one of the fully funded French Embassy scholarship holders 2016 /2017 currently busy with her Masters 1 in Economics and Psychology at the University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne. Even though she experienced difficulties as a South African student to adapt in the exciting French environment, she describes her current situation as a wonderful experience.

"My time so far has been splendid. I'm having the chance to fulfil my dream in studying a Master in Behavioural Economics with some of the most incredible academics from around the world, while also being able to adventure to new parts of the world I've never been to before and learn about different cultures. I'm thoroughly enjoying my course, but moving to a new country does have its challenges. 

In France completing their various admin tasks takes time, effort and patience - but before you know it you've managed to get everything done as a foreign student and enjoy the experience even more. Also as someone who didn't know how to speak French, it was definitely a little difficult and daunting when I first arrived. However, it is all well worth it - I've truly progressed in the process of learning the new language since being in France. I am so thankful to learn a new language and be able to communicate with more people. Furthermore,  with English being a common additional language here, in Paris at least, along with people being remarkably capable of communicating across language barriers and the extra help of technology, the whole process is not all that challenging and often enjoyable in fact.

The traveling, new experiences, and all that I've learnt in my courses have made this a fulfilling experience and I look forward to the rest of my time here. I do however have one favourite aspect so far, and that would be my master’s class. Due to attending a master's in France that is taught in English, I have the most wonderful class of people from all over the world (alongside the lectures). It's has truly enriched my learning experience and grown me as a person to be able to get insights from different countries and continents in both behavioural economics and general ways of life and thinking."

Iona will complete her Master 1 in June 2017 and will hopefully continue with a Masters 2 in the new academic year. Keep up the good work Iona!


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