Adventures to stimulate your senses
According to a survey by a major travel website, the sense Europeans use the most when they travel is... taste. The following four original experiences will show you that exploration is not exclusively a matter of view.
Having a gourmet dinner in the dark
The restaurant Dans le noir? opened in July 2004 in the Quincampoix street of the 4th district in Paris. The concept: a gourmet menu serves clients in pitch-black darkness. This might be unnerving at first, but a dinner in the dark offers an unusual sensorial experience, where your taste will take over. This tasty exploration will reverse your usual perspective: just as the palate replaces sight, the blind waiters become the eyes of the client.
Revitalise in the Parc du Silence
Are you lacking inspiration for your holidays? On a 12 acres field in the heart of the Puy-de-Dôme region, the Parc du Silence (Silence Park) offers an original idea of accommodation: a one-week retreat based on meditation and oriental sport. In the program: Tai Chi, Qi Gong, open field, nature and… silence. Note: to ensure the tranquillity of the park, children are not allowed!
Follow the caravan of scents in the Arab World Institute
The Arab World Institute offers to discover or rediscover the collections of the museum through an olfactory path: the caravane des odeurs (caravan of scents). This free visit is both for children and adults, and invites you to a walk on the back of camels, on the road of caravans. Two guides will walk you through this olfactory journey: Iris Du Pistil and Capucin Le Blaze, researchers-extractors of the International Center for Scientific Research CIRSDEO.
Have a walk in the Brocéliande gardens
In Brittany, the gardens of Brocéliande offer direct contact with nature through three unusual sensorial walks, where touch, smell and hearing are kings.
The path "Réveille tes pieds" (Wake your feet up) consist in a barefoot walk to feel no less than 45 materials and textures and switch between various feelings: soft, rough, cold, wet...
The walk "Ecoute voir" (Look, listen) is great for kids. They will have the opportunity to listen to legends of Brocéliande: the Vale of No Return and the Garden of the Sorceress.
Last but not least, "Active tes sens" (Activate your senses) offers a 650 ft-long walk blindfolded that will use your sense... of balance!